100 names of one God

 100 names of one God

Part 3

41. Yajna (yaj - to shine, worship, combine, devise and give) is One who combines the different elements together and evolves this world and its objects out of them, Who is worthy of being worshipped by all the sages and seers from Brahma downwards and will always be. He is the Omnipresent God. "Yajna is the Omnipresent God", says the Shatapatha Brahmana.

42. Hotaa (hu - to give or take) is One who gives all that is worth giving to souls and takes from them what is worth taking.

43. Bandhu (bundha - to bind, connect) is One who keeps all the worlds bound by laws to Himself, and helps to keep them in order so that they cannot move out of their orbit or the laws of their constitution. He is like a brother unto all the world and supports, protects and gives happiness to all.

44. Pitaa (paa - to protect, rear) One who protects all. Just as a father, through paternal love and kindness always desires the good of His children, even so does God -is the Father of all - desire happiness for all.


45. Pitaamaha - The father of fathers.

46. Prapitaamaha - The Great-Grandfather.

47. Maataa - God is named mata (mother), because He has happiness and prosperity of all souls at heart just as anearthly mother, out of extreme love and kindness, desires happiness and prosperity for her offspring.

48. A'charya (char - to conduct, move, go and, eat) God is called so because He is the source of all true knowledgeand righteousness. It is through Him we receive knowledge, and live virtuous lives.

49. Guru (Gri - to speak) the Teacher of all true knowledge and learning Who revealed the Word of salvation (Vedas) in the beginning of the world, the Teacher of eve all the early teachers such as Agni, Vayu, A'ditya, Angira and Brahma .

He is immortal, says Yogashastra. "He is the Teacher of even the most ancient teachers. He is Immortal. Time cannot influence Him." YOGASHASTRA SAMADHI 26.

50. Aja (aja - to combine, join, manifest or evolve) is One who combines the elements and atoms properly, and evolves the world out of them; unites bodies with souls, and brings them out into the world, which is called their birth. He is Himself never born.

51. Brahma (brihi - to develop, multiply) is One who has created the world and multiplies it.

52. Satya (sat - to exist) is One who is the true embodiment of existence among all existences.

53. Jnaana is One who knows all the world, animate and inanimate. "The Great God is Satya Jnaana and Ananta " - Taitiriya Upanishad.

54. Ananta is one who has no limitations, boundaries, end or dimensions.

55. Anaadi is One who has no beginning, nor a first cause.

56. Ananda is One who is All-blissful and endows happinesson the good and the righteous.


57. Sata (asi - to be) is One who exists in all times, the past,the present and the future, and is not limited by time.

58. Chit is One who is a truly conscious Being and endows souls with true knowledge of right and wrong.

59. Sachidaananda (sata + chit + ananda) is One who is a truly conscious, blissful being.

60. Nitya Firm, Immortal, Eternal.

Source Satyarth Prakash by Swami Dayanand chapter 

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